PROmovement Program

Therapy and rehabilitation in specialized centers

раз была оказана помощь по программе PROmovement Program

The Upward Movement Foundation cooperates with well-known medical centers in Russia, the choice of which
is carried out by the parents themselves

Parents apply to the fund already if there is an account from a specific medical center in which
the children
were rehabilitated earlier and have a positive stable result.

After checking, including the documents of the institution, the foundation enters into a tripartite agreement
(foundation — center — representative of the child) and announces a program fee. If the medical
is located in Moscow or in the nearest region, the foundation’s team visits such a center to personally
its equipment and capabilities, meet with doctors and discuss the upcoming rehabilitation and its

In matters of rehabilitation, the Upward Movement Foundation is assisted by experts who give
recommendations to parents of children with disabilities

They tell you what you should pay attention to in the first months of the baby’s life, what steps
to take and
where to turn if parents feel that something is going wrong with the child in terms of development
, etc.
Experts cooperate with the foundation free of charge.

Our programs

Charity Foundation Movement Up helps children with disabilities, such as: CP (Cerebral Palsy), muscle-skeleton disorders, brain attack, after oncotherapy and other serious diseases. We help children to get life-saving rehabilitation and make their life a full and happy one — insofar as possible.

The Foundation cooperates with top-lead rehabilitation and medical centers in Russia, such as: Three Sisters (Moscow Region,, Rodnik (Saint-Petersburg), Sakura (Chelyabinsk,, Ekzarta (Nizhny Novgorod,, etc.

Programs of the Foundation are targeted at comprehensive aid of children with disabilities and their families.

PROmovement Program

Therapy and rehabilitation in specialized centers

Movement together program

Purchase of necessary drugs and medical equipment for home rehabilitation

Bird of Happiness Program

Organization of leisure

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